A Funeral Service is used to mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend that person into God’s keeping. It can take place as a quiet ceremony with closest family and friends or as a much larger service.
We are very willing to be involved in the funeral service whether at a crematorium, woodland space or one of our churches. It makes no difference to us whether you go to church or not, or whatever your religious views.
To arrange a funeral after someone has died we recommend that you contact a Funeral Director in the first instance. They will then make contact with us.
If you wish to plan funeral service for the future, please contact us.
Sometimes it isn't possible for family or friends to attend the funeral ceremony for either health, distance or other reasons. There is a service sheet here which you can use, maybe at the same time as the funeral, to help you remember and say goodbye.